

Let’s go to Kyoto City Zoo! (Presented by SIED)

Apr.2,2024 Update
Hello, we are SIED!
Would you like to visit the Kyoto City Zoo and get to know other students?
In this event, international and local students will form groups of several people and have a free time to walk around the zoo while talking with other participants.
Therefore, it is an event where you can meet new students during the new semester!
All kinds of people are welcome, including people who want to meet new people during the new school year, and people who are interested in animals.
Let's all go to Kyoto City Zoo!
 (We have prepared a quiz, so please cooperate with everyone and try your best to answer all the questions correctly!) 

Date and time April 21st(Sun.) 13:30-15:00
Place Kyoto City Zoo
Capacity 20 Doshisha students *Participants will be picked by lottery.
How to apply  Please apply from here. Application Form:https://forms.office.com/r/2tEVvn3zuA
Application Deadline  April 15th(Mon.)
Participation Fee  Admission fee of Kyoto City Zoo and Transportation fee
*Admission fee 750 yen is for those who have not registered for KYO-DENT and not bring student ID card on April 21st.
*Admission fee 100 yen for students who register KYO-DENT in advance and bring your Doshisha student ID card on April 21st.
Details of KYO-DENT: https://www.consortium.or.jp/project/kanren/kyoto-appli
Please install KYO-DENT app from the link above and register the basic information of "student ID number, university, name, graduation year".
If you enter this information and show your membership card in this app and your Doshisha student ID card at the reception, you will be able to receive a discount on KYO-DENT.

Please check the details of this event from the flyer below.
Looking forward to your application!
  • kyotocityzooEG
Details of Let’s go to Kyoto City Zoo!



Office of International Students, International Center (KYOTANABE)

Telephone : +81-774-65-7453
Fax : +81-774-65-7068
E-mail :jt-ois@mail.doshisha.ac.jp


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