

To the graduate students who would like to apply for the status of residence “Designated Activities” after graduation

Feb.7,2024 Update

The Immigration Services Agency of Japan has announced a little change regarding the necessary document for applying to “Designated Activities” for graduate students. If you are a graduate student and considering to apply for the status of residence “Designated Activities” after graduation, please see the following information about the necessary document for the application.

Regarding the necessary document to apply for the status of residence “Designated Activities”

As written in the document below (Announcement of Application for the status of residence “Designated activities”), the “documents to prove that you have been continuously doing job-hunting” is one of the necessary documents you need to submit to the Immigration bureau.

Announcement of Application for the status of residence “Designated activities”

However, if you are a graduate student and are unable to fully engage in job hunting while attending school because you need to concentrate on research activities, you can submit the “Statement of reasons” written by your mentoring professor. In that case, you do not need to submit the “documents to prove that you have been continuously doing job-hunting”.

Please read the web page from the Immigration Services Agency below for more details.


Office of International Students, International Center

Telephone : +81-75-251-3257
Fax : +81-75-251-3123
E-mail :ji-ois@mail.doshisha.ac.jp

Office of International Students, International Center (KYOTANABE)

Telephone : +81-774-65-7453
Fax : +81-774-65-7068
E-mail :jt-ois@mail.doshisha.ac.jp