
Important Announcement: Orientation in September 2024, Placement Test and Others

We will upload the documents and information related to newly-enrolled students on this web page.
Please find the following subjects.

[Important] Regarding documents you need to submit or report

In this page, you can find information regarding the documents you are required to submit or report to the Office of International Students. If you fail to submit these documents on time, you will lose your opportunity for application. Please be sure to check the detailed information on the following topics.

Status of Residence・Contact Information Confirmation Form (Mandatory for ALL students)

Updated June 25, 2024

You have been granted "Student" status by the regional immigration services bureau as a qualification to study and research at Doshisha University. The university must report your residence card information and whereabouts to the Immigration Bureau by the designated date. Therefore, if you do not submit your residence card and contact information, there is a possibility that your residence visa will be adversely affected. To avoid a such situation, please be sure to submit them via web form below by the deadline. You can access the web form after Saturday, September 21st.

Eligible applicants

All international students who newly enrolled in Fall 2024 (Not applicable to students of the Center for Global Education and Japanese Studies)

Submission deadline

By 5 p.m. (JST) on Friday, September 27th, 2024 

Submission document

Residence card image submission format

Submission web form

How to submit

  1. Please download the "Residence Card Image Submission Format (Excel)" mentioned above.
  2. Please take pictures of your residence card (front-back both sides) and student ID card (front side only) and paste on the designated places of the submission format.
  3. Please access the web form above, enter your personal information: faculty or graduate school, contact information, address, and items on the residence card, and upload the “Residence Card Image Submission Format (Excel)” above-referenced.


  • In order to use the web form, the user ID and password issued by Doshisha University are required. The log-in information will be notified you after September 21st. 
  • If you don't know how to check your log-in information, please contact to the Office of International Students or the office of your faculty or graduate school.
  • Please report that you do not have a residence card yet via this web form if you are not in Japan yet and cannot submit the data of residence card by the deadline. After you enter Japan and get a new residence card, please take pictures of your residence card (front-back both sides) and student ID card (front side only) and paste on the designated places of the submission format and submit it to OIS via the web form.

Submission of the Doshisha University Self-Financed International Student Scholarship Recommendation Request Form

Updated July 25, 2024

If you are a self-financed regular international student and wish to be nominated for a scholarship requiring a university recommendation, you need to submit the “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” via the web form. Please note that if you fail to report the required information on your Status of Residence etc. via the “Status of Residence・Contact Information Notification Web Form”, your “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” will be rejected.

Eligible applicants

Newly-enrolled students in September 2024 AND you must be at least one of the following in order to apply

  1. A self-financed regular student holding a “Student Visa”
    ※Students in double-degree programs with college student visas are among those considered regular students.
    ※Those who don't currently hold a “Student Visa” since you are unable to enter Japan due to the specific reason are also eligible for applying this as long as you are expected to hold it once you come to Japan.
  2. A self-financed regular student who was accepted to Doshisha University via the “Examination for International Students”
    ※If you have been already awarded an outside scholarship for the 2024–2025 academic year or are scheduled to receive an outside scholarship until your graduation, you are not eligible to be nominated, so submission of the “Request Form” is not required.

Submission deadline

By 5 p.m. (JST) on Friday, September 27th, 2024  


【Important】Regarding the Scholarship Recommendation Request Web Form

*Please make sure to read the document above before submitting the web form.

Submission document

Scholarship Recommendation Request Form

Submission web form

*You will be able to submit the web form below after September 21 (Sat).

How to submit

  1. Please download the "Scholarship Recommendation Request Form (Excel)" mentioned above.
  2. Please fill in the "Scholarship Recommendation Request Form (Excel)".
  3. Please access the web form above, enter your personal information: faculty or graduate school, contact information, and upload the "Scholarship Recommendation Request Form (Excel)" above-referenced.


  • The “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” is not an application form for any particular scholarship. Submission of the “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” expresses that you would like to be nominated to a scholarship requiring a university recommendation (such as a JASSO scholarship). The “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” is used as reference material when we select candidates for scholarships.
  • If you are nominated, the OIS will contact you by phone or e-mail. The period of nomination varies by scholarship, so you may be contacted at any time during the year. Students who are not nominated will not be contacted.
  • If you fail to submit the “Scholarship Recommendation Request Form” by the deadline, you will not be qualified to be nominated for any scholarships requiring a university recommendation during the 2024 academic year.
  • In order to use the web form, the user ID and password issued by Doshisha University are required. The log-in information will be notified you after September 21st. 

Orientation for newly enrolled international students in the academic year 2024 (Fall semester)

Updated June 25, 2024

How to be held

Face to Face


At 10 a.m. (JST) on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 
※Please be sure to arrive at 10 minutes before start.
※The orientation will last for around 2.5 hours to 3 hours.

About attendance (Mandatory for all students)

Please be sure to attend the orientation on September 18 (Wed) in principle. We will give you important information and documents.
You are required to submit the attendance form below, so please fill in the form and submit it by the deadline.

Attendance form


By 5 p.m. (JST) on Friday, August 30th, 2024


  • You will be required to enter “Applicant ID Number”when taking the test. The number is 12 digits and you can find it on the upper left of your “Notification of Acceptance.” (ADMISSION CERTIFICATE if you don't have).
  • If you cannot attend the orientation due to unavoidable circumstances, please be sure to check Orientation Materials after the orientation.


< Undergraduate/graduate students of [A](refer to below) >
Imadegawa Campus: Ryoshinkan bldg, Basement (Room: RY地2)

< Undergraduate/graduate students of [B](refer to below)>
Kyotanabe Campus: Chishinkan 1号館 bldg, TC1-232

    [A] School / Faculty / Graduate School / Institute in Imadegawa Campus
  • School / Graduate School of Theology
  • Faculty / Graduate School of Letters
  • Faculty / Graduate School of Social Studies
  • Faculty / Graduate School of Law
  • Faculty / Graduate School of Economics
  • Faculty / Graduate School of Commerce
  • Faculty of Policy Studies
  • Faculty of Global and Regional Studies
  • The Institute for the Liberal Arts
  • Graduate School of Policy and Management
  • Graduate school of Global Studies
  • Law school
  • Graduate school of Business
    [B] Faculty / Graduate School in Kyotanabe Campus
  • Faculty / Graduate School of Culture and Information Science
  • Faculty / Graduate School of and Science and Engineering
  • Faculty / Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
  • Faculty / Graduate School of Health and Sports Science
  • Faculty / Graduate School of Psychology
  • Faculty of Global Communications
  • Graduate School of Brain Science

Japanese Language Placement Test

Updated June 25, 2024

Japanese Language Placement Test is an online test (Registration Not Required).


From 10:00 a.m. (JST) on Monday, August 26th to 9:00 a.m. (JST) on Wednesday, August 28

Eligible students (Those who will enroll in 2024 fall semester)

Other than ILA students
Japanese Language Placement Test is necessary for the following newly enrolled international students who wish to take “Japanese Language and Culture Subjects for international students" AND are determined as “Required to Take Japanese Language Placement Test" on "The Japanese Level Determination Chart ", including both 【Regular students】and【Special students】.

ILA students
Students who wish to take either “Japanese Language and Culture Subjects for international students" or “Basic Japanese".

How to take the test

Regular students / Special students
Please access the Microsoft Forms URL described in the “The Test Manual” during the designated period to take the Japanese Language Placement Test. *If you were unable to take the test during the designated period, please see “Important Notes” below for more details.

Important Notes

  • You will not be allowed to take Japanese language and culture subjects for international students if you have not taken the placement test.
  • The placement test consists only of an online test. There will be no oral exam. However, there may be cases where consultation at counseling for course registration is required to finalize the Japanese learning level. For the students who need to have a consultation, the instruction will be given in the Japanese level notification email.
  • For course list of Japanese Language and Culture Subjects for international students, you can refer to the university website.
  • “Basic Japanese” is only available for ILA students. For details, please contact: The office of the Institute for the Liberal Arts:ji-ila@mail.doshisha.ac.jp
  • For course overview of “Japanese Language Introductory Course,” please contact your faculty/graduate school office.
  • We will not accept any inquiry regarding the test format, examination questions and past examination questions.
  • If you were unable to take the Japanese Language Placement Test during the designated period, please apply for the make-up test from the application web form.
    [Application Period (JST)] 10:00 a.m.on Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 ~ 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 8th, 2024 
    [Test Period (JST)] 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 9th, 2024 ~ 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024
    [Test URL] You will be notified via email on Monday, September 9th, 2024.

Japanese Level Notification

From 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 21st ~ 
Eligible Students : All students who took Japanese Language Placement Test
How to be notified : Notified by the Office of the Center for Global Education and Japanese Studies to your Doshisha email account


Office of the Center for Global Education and Japanese Language
TEL: 075-251-3240 (For an international call +81)

English Language Placement test (CASEC)

Updated June 25, 2024

The English Language Placement Test will not be held during the fall semester of 2024.

Support service for newly enrolled international students in the academic year 2024 (Fall semester)

Updated July 25, 2024

Support service for Kyoto city ward office procedures

As a volunteer staff, current Doshisha students will help you for procedures of resident registration, national health insurance and national pension.
*This support service is only available for Kyoto city ward offices. If you're a beginner of Japanese and need help for the procedures at Kyoto city ward office, please apply from here. Please see below for more details.


Details about support service in fall semester 2024

Current students will support you to write application documents of resident registration, national health insurance and national pension and help you at Kyoto city ward office. 

Date and time

On Thursday, September 19th, 2024

Please choose the time from the list below. It takes about 2 to 3 hours. *It will vary depending on the situation.

  1. Start from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  2. Start from 1:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Application Deadline & How to apply

The application deadline is by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Please apply for the support service (Kyoto city ward office procedures) via the web form above.

 Place of this service

Classroom F103, 1st floor of Fusokan building, Imadegawa campus

Application requirements

  1. Only for newly enrolled Doshisha students in this fall semester in 2024
  2. Your Japanese must not be fluent enough to complete the ward office procedures by yourself.
  3. Your Doshisha student ID and password will be given to you from Doshisha university around the day of your entrance ceremony. Please make sure you remember them for this support service.

Support service to open a JP bank account

As a volunteer staff, current Doshisha students will help you to open your JP bank account. Staff of JP bank account and post office will also join this service to help you. If you're a beginner of Japanese and need help to open a bank account, please apply from here. Please see below for more details.


Details about support service in fall semester 2024

Current students will support to write an application form to open a JP-Post bank account. 

Date and time

On Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Please choose one of the times below and come to the place of this service.

  1. 9:30 a.m.
  2. 10:30 a.m.
  3. 11:30 a.m.
  4. 1:30 p.m.
  5. 2:30 p.m.

Application Deadline & How to apply

The application deadline is by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Please apply for the support service (open a JP-Post bank account) via the web form above.

 Place of this service

Classroom F104, 1st floor of Fusokan building, Imadegawa campus

Application requirements

  1. Only for newly enrolled Doshisha students in this fall semester in 2024.
  2. Your Japanese must not be fluent enough to open a bank account by yourself.
  3. Your Doshisha student ID and password will be given to you from Doshisha university around the day of your entrance ceremony. Please make sure you remember them for this support service.

Convocation Ceremony

Regarding riding a bicycle

Important notice for riding a bicycle in Japan

  • In Japan, the number of cases that caused by the inappropriate bicycle manner of students have been increasing. Please get information about the proper rules and manner riding a bicycle in Japan, and prevent an accident. Kyoto Police:Rules and Penalties on Riding Bicycle
  • With the Kyoto prefectural ordinance on the promotion of safe cycling, cyclists or their parent /guardian are required to take out accident insurance. Threfore, if you have a bicycle and ride it in Kyoto, you are required to take out the insurance. Apply it at the shop you bought a bicycle or insurance company. Doshisha Enterprise Inc. (e-hoken@doshisha-ep.co.jp Phone:075-251-3037) also provides this insurance.

How to commute by a bicycle

Students who wish to commute to the Imadegawa/Kyotanabe campus by bicycle are required to take a course on cycling manners to be offered at each campus.

    How to take the Bicycle Safety Class (Imadegawa Campus)
  1. Please go to Department of Student Support Services at the 1st floor of the Kambaikan building on the Muromachi campus.
  2. University staff will give you information about the Bicycle Safety Class (自転車マナー講習会) and provide you with a bicycle entry permission sticker.
  3. Once the video of the Bicycle Safety Class is sent to your university email, please make sure to watch it.
  4. Bicycle Safety Class (Imadegawa Campus) *Only written in Japanese 

    How to take the Bicycle Safety Class (Kyotanabe Campus)
  1. Please visit the webpage provided below to watch the Bicycle Safety Class video (Kyotanabe Campus).
  2. Once you have finished watching the video, please complete the "Attendance Confirmation Form for the Bicycle Safety Class" with the required information and submit it.
  3. To receive a bicycle entry permission sticker after the designated date, please visit the Department of Student Support Services office at the Kyotanabe campus. When you come to the office, remember to bring your student ID card with you.
  4. Bicycle Safety Class (Kyotanabe Campus)*Only written in Japanese 

Please ask “Department of Student Support Services" at your campus if you have any questions.
Imadegawa  TEL:075-251-3270 ji-gakse@mail.doshisha.ac.jp
Kyotanabe TEL:0774-65-7410 jt-shien@mail.doshisha.ac.jp

Orientation Materials

These orientation materials are for those who enrolled in April 2024. Please make sure to check the orientation materials below if you couldn’t attend the orientation for newly enrolled international students.

Updated March 21, 2024

2024 Spring List of Orientation Materials

List of Orientation Materials (Imadegawa campus)

List of Orientation Materials (Kyotanabe campus)

Schedule of distribution of registration documents and registration guidance of faculties & graduate schools

Handbook for International Students

The National Health Insurance Guidebook(By Kyoto City)

Placement Guide book for International Students from Career Center

Comprehensive Insurance for Student Lives Coupled with Gakkensai

  1. Information and Note English Ver.[PDF 66KB]
  2. Pamphlet and Application
    English Ver.
    Chinese Ver.
    Korean Ver.
    Vietnamese Ver.

For Prevention of Campus Harassment

Web page of prevention of campus harassment (Only in Japanese) 

Kyoto Safety Navi; To ride a bicycle in Kyoto

Job Hunting Guidance from Career Center

Job Hunting Guidance from Career Center (Only in Japanese)

Permission to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted
Certificate of Employment[PDF 97KB]

Procedures at Kyoto City Ward office or a Kyotanabe City Office

Guidance for opening Japan Post Bank

Regarding Japan Post Bank Procedures App

Japan Post Bank Procedures App (Japanese) 

Japan Post Bank Procedures App (English) 

Japan Post Bank Procedures App (Chinese) 

User Manual of Japan Post Bank Procedures App

User manual (Japanese)

User manual (English)

User manual (Chinese) 

Support for Challenged Students

Annoucement from Doshisha CO-OP

You can get the information of the announcement of mobile phone for international students below.
Doshisha CO-OP

Doshisha University Library eBooks